Artificial Intelligence
TensorFlow for Image Recognition

TensorFlow for Image Recognition

Dive into the power of TensorFlow and harness it for effective image recognition.

Over this comprehensive training, explore TensorFlow’s mechanics, methodologies, and practical applications in recognizing and categorizing images.

What will you learn?

Dive into the power of TensorFlow and harness it for effective image recognition. Over this comprehensive training, explore TensorFlow’s mechanics, methodologies, and practical applications in recognizing and categorizing images.

In this immersive training, participants will:

  • Gain foundational insights into machine learning and neural networks.
  • Understand the basics and advanced utilities of TensorFlow.
  • Delve into specialized topics like distributed TensorFlow and model serving.
  • Learn about Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and their significance in image recognition.
  • Explore deep learning techniques applied on popular datasets like MNIST.
  • By the end of the course, participants will be adept at using TensorFlow for various image recognition tasks and integrating its capabilities into their projects.


Basic knowledge of Python programming.

An understanding of general IT concepts is advantageous but not mandatory.

Course Outline*:

*We know each team has their own needs and specifications. That is why we can modify the training outline per need.

Foundations and TensorFlow Basics
  • Introduction to Machine Learning and Recursive Neural Networks (RNN).
  • Neural Networks (NN) and RNN overview.
  • Backpropagation concepts.
  • Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM).
  • Introductory TensorFlow.
  • Creation, initialization, saving, and restoring TensorFlow variables.
  • Feeding, reading, and preloading TensorFlow data.
  • Training models using TensorFlow infrastructure.
  • Visualizing and evaluating models with TensorBoard.
TensorFlow Mechanics and Advanced Usage
  • Comprehensive mechanics of TensorFlow.
  • Working with tutorial files.
  • Data preparation and download.
  • Inputs, placeholders, and graph building.
  • Model inference, loss determination, and training.
  • Advanced TensorFlow techniques.
  • Threading, queues, and distributed TensorFlow.
  • Documentation and sharing models.
  • Data reader customization.
  • Using GPUs (Note: Certain GPU topics are available with prior notification).
TensorFlow Serving and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)
  • Serving with TensorFlow.
  • Introduction and basic tutorials.
  • Advanced serving practices.
  • In-depth: Serving Inception Model.
  • CNN fundamentals.
  • Overview, goals, and highlights.
  • Understanding model architecture and code organization.
  • Deep dive into CIFAR-10 model components.
Deep Learning and Image Recognition Applications
  • Deep learning applied on MNIST.
  • Data loading, interactive TensorFlow sessions.
  • Building softmax regression models.
  • Training, evaluation, and convolutional network layers.
  • Image recognition techniques.
  • Exploring Inception-v3.
  • Application of TensorFlow in C++ and Java environments.

Hands-on learning with expert instructors at your location for organizations.

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Hours (days:
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Training customized to your needs
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Immersive hands-on experience in a dedicated setting
*Price can range depending on number of participants, change of outline, location etc.

Master new skills guided by experienced instructors from anywhere.

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Hours (days:
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Training customized to your needs
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Reduced training costs
*Price can range depending on number of participants, change of outline, location etc.

You can participate in a Public Course with people from other organisations.


/per trainee

Number of Participants

1 Participant

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Hours (days:
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Fits ideally for individuals and small groups
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Networking opportunities with fellow participants.
*Price can range depending on number of participants, change of outline, location etc.