Mobile Development
Programming with Kotlin

Programming with Kotlin

Learn the intricacies of Kotlin, a modern, statically typed programming language designed for the JVM, Android, and browsers.

This intensive course is geared towards equipping programmers and engineers with hands-on skills to effectively utilize Kotlin in their projects.

What will you learn?

Learn the intricacies of Kotlin, a modern, statically typed programming language designed for the JVM, Android, and browsers. This intensive course is geared towards equipping programmers and engineers with hands-on skills to effectively utilize Kotlin in their projects.

Over the span of this comprehensive training, participants will:

  • Grasp the foundational syntax and conventions of Kotlin.
  • Master object-oriented concepts like classes, inheritance, and extensions.
  • Understand the flexibility and efficiency of functions and lambdas.
  • Seamlessly interoperate with Java and optimize their codebase.
  • By the end of this training, attendees will have a strong foundation in Kotlin, enabling them to build robust applications with confidence.


Familiarity with any programming language (preferably Java).

A system with IntelliJ installed.

Course Outline*:

*We know each team has their own needs and specifications. That is why we can modify the training outline per need.

Getting Started
  • Basic Syntax
  • Idioms
  • Coding Conventions
  • Basic Types
  • Packages
  • Control Flow
  • Returns and Jumps
Classes and Objects
  • Classes and Inheritance
  • Properties and Fields
  • Interfaces
  • Visibility Modifiers
  • Extensions
  • Data Classes
  • Generics
  • Nested Classes
  • Enum Classes
  • Object Declarations
  • Delegation
  • Delegated Properties
Functions and Lambdas
  • Functions
  • Lambdas
  • Inline Functions
Additional Features
  • Destructuring Declarations
  • Collections
  • Ranges
  • Type Checks and Casts
  • 'This' Expressions
  • Equality
  • Operator Overloading
  • Null Safety
  • Exceptions
  • Annotations
  • Reflection
  • Type-Safe Builders
  • Dynamic Type
  • Calling Java from Kotlin
  • Calling Kotlin from Java
Reference & Tutorials
  • Documenting Kotlin Code
  • Using Maven, Ant, and Gradle
  • Kotlin and OSGi Tutorials

Hands-on learning with expert instructors at your location for organizations.

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Hours (days:
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Training customized to your needs
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Immersive hands-on experience in a dedicated setting
*Price can range depending on number of participants, change of outline, location etc.

Master new skills guided by experienced instructors from anywhere.

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Hours (days:
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Training customized to your needs
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Reduced training costs
*Price can range depending on number of participants, change of outline, location etc.

You can participate in a Public Course with people from other organisations.


/per trainee

Number of Participants

1 Participant

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Hours (days:
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Fits ideally for individuals and small groups
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Networking opportunities with fellow participants.
*Price can range depending on number of participants, change of outline, location etc.