Container Management with Docker

Container Management with Docker

Master the essentials of Docker in our comprehensive course. Grasp the foundation of containerization and effortlessly transition to advanced tools like Docker Machine, Docker Compose, and Docker Swarm.

By the end of this course, you'll be adept at creating, managing, and optimizing Docker containers, ensuring consistent application performance across diverse environments.

What will you learn?

Dive into the transformative world of container management with Docker. Whether you're a developer looking to containerize your applications or a system administrator aiming to streamline deployment processes, this course is tailored for you. Participants will:

  • Understand Docker: Familiarize yourself with Docker's architecture, components, and underlying technologies.
  • Manage Containers: Seamlessly create, run, and manage containers, ensuring optimized performance.
  • Dockerize Applications: Learn hands-on by dockerizing different application architectures, from simple apps to complex microservices.
  • Network & Data Management: Delve into Docker's networking capabilities and ensure data integrity with volumes.
  • Master Advanced Tools: On the third day, escalate your proficiency with Docker Machine, Docker Compose, and Docker Swarm, essential for managing intricate container ecosystems.


  • Basic familiarity with command-line operations.
  • Some knowledge of Linux environments.

Course Outline*:

*We know each team has their own needs and specifications. That is why we can modify the training outline per need.

1. Introduction to Docker:
  • What is Docker? Overview and use cases.
  • Major Docker components.
  • Delving into Docker architecture & the underlying technology.
2. Setting Up Docker:
  • Installation: On Ubuntu and Windows.
  • Docker Machine: Provisioning hosts and cloud provider integrations.
3. Container Lifecycle:
  • Creating, running, and managing containers.
  • Investigation tools: Logs, processes, and data management.
4. Dockerizing Applications:
  • Initial steps: From "hello world" to interactive Bash containers.
  • Building images: Manual commits vs. Dockerfiles.
  • Web application deployment: Single container vs. microservices.
5. Image Management:
  • Finding and deploying images.
  • Docker Hub, repositories, and sharing practices.
6. Networking & Data in Containers:
  • Networking basics: Port mapping, linking, and custom networks.
  • Data management: Volumes, host integration, backups, and restoration.
7. Advanced Deployment with Docker Compose:
  • Comprehensive overview and benefits.
  • Multi-container applications: Efficient management and constraints.
8. Scaling with Docker Swarm:
  • Dive into native Docker clustering.
  • Strategies, filters, and discovery services.

Hands-on learning with expert instructors at your location for organizations.

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Hours (days:
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Training customized to your needs
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Immersive hands-on experience in a dedicated setting
*Price can range depending on number of participants, change of outline, location etc.

Master new skills guided by experienced instructors from anywhere.

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Hours (days:
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Training customized to your needs
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Reduced training costs
*Price can range depending on number of participants, change of outline, location etc.

You can participate in a Public Course with people from other organisations.


/per trainee

Number of Participants

1 Participant

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Hours (days:
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Fits ideally for individuals and small groups
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Networking opportunities with fellow participants.
*Price can range depending on number of participants, change of outline, location etc.